How Do I Set Holidays in the Web Portal?


How Do I Set Holidays in the Web Portal?


Setting a holiday to enabled allows your service to work as if it were after hours.  There is a list of holidays entered in the system already that are updated each year to enable or disable.  If you need a custom one, it can be added as well.

Enable a Standard Holiday

  • On the left taskbar, click on Groups
  • Select the group you’ll be setting a holiday for
  • Now on the Group Details page, navigate to the Holidays tab
  • Under Standard Holidays, check the radio box to the left of the holiday to enable this service


Enable Other Holidays

  • On the left taskbar, click on Groups
  • Select the group you’ll be setting a holiday for
  • Now on the Group Details page, navigate to the Holidays tab
  • Click the Other Holidays tab
  • Once the tab is selected, press the button to add a new holiday

  • The Create New Holiday page will open.  Update the following information, and press Create to create the needed holiday:
    • Label - Can be the name of the holiday or reason for closure
    • Start Day - The numerical value of the date the hours will be closed
    • End Day - The numerical value of the date the hours will be closed
    • End Month - The month in which the holiday resides in

Applies To

  • MAXvoice
  • Call Flow

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