Where in the MAXcore portal can I find the phone numbers for our company?
Phone Number
Displays the full 10-digit phone number (including +1 at the beginning of it.)
Displays the function assigned to the number. This will commonly be an extension, hunt group, or auto-attendant. Other options include conference portal, queue, reserved, or unassigned.
Displays the extension that has been assigned to the number (if applicable).
This will display the name of the extension that has been assigned. Because it pulls from auto-attendants and hunt groups as well, names will not always be first and last names.
Two options are available. The
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Clicking on one of the phone numbers takes you to the Phone Number Details page. The Phone Number Information section contains more detailed information about the phone number that has been selected. You are also able to click the button to make changes. The Blacklist section allows a user to add phone numbers to the blacklist, blocking calls from the input numbers allows.
Phone Number
Displays the full 10-digit number phone number (including +1 at the beginning of it.)
Provider Type
2 options; Two_Way which allows both inbound and outbound calls and inbound only.
Failover Number
A failover number is set as the automatic destination for inbound calls in the event the phone loses connection with the MAXcore platform.
SMS Provider
Displays the providing carrier for SMS enabled phone numbers.
Displays the group to which the extension belongs.
The carrier from whom the phone number is provided.
SMS Enabled
Informs whether SMS messaging has been enabled on the phone number.
Phone Number Type
Displays the type of number that has been configured. This will commonly be an extension, hunt group, or auto-attendant. Other options include conference portal, queue, reserved, or unassigned.
Displays the extension that has been assigned to the number.
Country in which the phone number resides.
Below is the Phone Number Information, available by selecting Edit Phone Number. You must click to save any changes made to the phone number.
Displays the full 10-digit phone number (including +1 at the beginning.)
Displays the group to which the extension belongs.
Phone Number Type
Dropdown that contains multiple options for the phone number type. Each option presents different parameters which need to be configured.
Provider Type
Either Two_Way or Inbound.
The carrier partner that has provided the phone number.
Below is the information for a phone number’s blacklist, which is accessed on the Phone Number Information page. Phone numbers added to the blacklist will be blocked from completing a call to the number. This can be found at the bottom of the page:
The 10-digit number that is being blocked.
Two buttons allow the number to be edited or removed.
The 10-digit number that you will going to be blocking
Article ID: 78
Created: Mon, Sep 28, 2020
Last Updated: Thu, Jan 28, 2021
Online URL: https://help.maxcore.io/article-78.html